Friday, 30 May 2014

Saving Money at the Supermarket

I'm not going to bother telling you what to and what not to buy at the supermarket, you will get what you want and you'll spend as much as you want too! You might buy branded, you might buy basics/value, you've got brand match on your side so you're not losing out by being at the wrong supermarket.
money saving tips, supermarket saving tips
But what can you do to save a bit of money? 
It's all about what time you go shopping. Now in 24hr shops it can sometimes be a bit later than in others but I recommend 8:45pm as a general time in all shops.
  • It's usually not very busy
  • The clearance ladies have just done a sweep of what is going off today and just marked it down 
  • The bakery have hot cross buns practically for free (tomorrows breakfast yes please?) 
If your supermarket closes at 10pm, don't make the mistake of thinking that going for a quick shop at quarter to will get you loads of good bargains... they have definitely started (and probably nearly finished) throwing away all of the clearance food that is left over by then!! 

But the food goes off today/tomorrow? 

Not a problem, whack it in the freezer!
I put everything from meat to bread in the freezer. It doesn't make much difference just that you need to take out things to thaw in the morning before you go to work. And don't give me that "I don't have time for that in the morning", I timed myself it took me 29 seconds to get out a bag of ready-prepared chicken breast and put it in a bowl of water. 

I have been known to follow the clearance lady (as I like to call her) around the shop watching her mark things down and then popping them in my trolley. I've even engaged in a 10p garlic baguette war with a random man... yes I'm talking both of us holding an end each like an old fashioned comedy sketch or cheesy movie. It wasn't love at first sight... and yes of course I won the garlic bread! 

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