Does the take-away serve the food in plastic or foil containers?
Plastic=come to mama
Originally this factor became important after I lost a tupperware which I had paid approximately £3 for. Well, that was unacceptable and couldn't happen again... what a waste of money!
I decided right then that I was no longer taking my lunch into university or work in anything that I couldn't get for free. You may say that take-away containers are technically not free but in my mind they are because most people throw them away!
And well, you were always going to buy the take-away anyway weren't you...
When does it stop being weird and start being really useful?
Well, aside from not wasting any money if you accidentally lose your tupperware (or accidentally leave it dirty in a bag for two weeks and then can't bare to use it again even after you've cleaned off all the mould) they're really good for storing things in your fridge.
My life can get quite busy sometimes and I know it will get even more busy when I'm working on placement next year (my degree has a year in industry) so it is great to spend one morning or afternoon at the weekend or one evening just sorting out my fridge or food for the week.
Usually it doesn't take too long for me to prepare my non-junk fast food because my ingredients are already prepared (post on how I save cooking time by prepping in advance coming soon). So I make up some easy dishes and keep them all in my free containers until I want to heat them up.
It basically means that if I come in from a horrible day or I'm in a rush to get somewhere I can just grab one container and pop it in the microwave and my dinner is ready. And yes sometimes I am too lazy to wash up a plate as well so I eat it out of the container. But also I can just grab a container and take it with me for lunch as well.
It probably takes a few hours out of my life on a sunday morning but if I spent 30-45mins a night cooking on weekdays that would be 2hrs 30-3hrs 45 used up. So if I spend any less than that prepping then I'm winning. But lets be honest, there is always more free time at the weekend so its better doing it then anyway.
I'll post a picture of all my prepped meals next time I've done them but I've only got 2 containers left in the fridge right now so it wouldn't be a suitable example!
When did the useful collecting become unhealthy?
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