I have some adorable news!
I've got two gorgeous little kittens... (well when I say I do, I mean my parents do).
The kittens were my Auntie's cat's litter, she had 4 girls and 1 boy and we have taken two of the girls. The other kittens have all gone to lovely homes too :)
My dad thinks this one looks like Postman Pat's cat so we have called her Jess. D'you see the resemblance?
Flash is her nickname, but her Sunday name is going to be 'The Grand Master Flash'! I know that sounds pretty male doesn't it but their mummy was called Monty so it's already all upside down in there world.
I think Jess is my favourite so far (I know I'm not supposed to say that) because she is much calmer than Flash and it means we can get better snaps of her...
Jess also loves being cuddled and purrs really loudly when you tickle her belly!
The babies also can't sleep alone... they have to snuggle up to each other at bed time before they'll sleep soundly! HOW CUTE?
I've got them a really really really good value for money house/bed/igloo to sleep in!
Dyou like it? I do, especially for only £9 from Quality Save -what a bargain. The lid zips off to make an open top bed and there is a really soft cushion inside that comes out and can be easily machine washable. Buy of the month!
But they don't really sleep in it... They just sleep on me in all sorts of random positions. But hey! I'm not complaining.
Cross your fingers that our other cat Fuzz likes them!